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"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows

"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows  

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Author: raceasauruss   Date: 8/3/2024 10:04:35 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

By far the best thing to help short track racing is less about the promotion and more about fans bringing in new blood, ( preferably potential fans who have never been ).  Short track racing is the best bang for the buck there is from a fans standpoint IMO.   You get multiple hours of usually exciting entertainment and your allowed to bring your own food and beverage.  Short track venues also differ from other forms of entertainment in that the fans, teams and officials mostly consist of working class people who are polite, patriotic and honorable.  You can leave your cars unlocked in the parking lots, you can leave your coolers, phones binoculars and other gear in the stands without worrying about it being ripped off. If you have car trouble you can bank on getting help from another fan or track management.  Race fans are among the most passionate fans as well.  Whats not to like unless you can't handle noise, smells and some potential dust on some nites?  Fans can do a better job of bringing in new ones. JMO

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"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows 3-Wide 8/2/2024 1:49:35 PM