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"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows

"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows  

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Author: Rick Shive   Date: 8/3/2024 1:18:01 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'll agree with all but F and P. 
F. Almost every track I care about and many that I don't keep pretty up to the minute information. The post I just replied to about Grandview is a good example, they said earlier a decision would be made at 1:00, by 1:05 they announced it was canceled. Most have updates on who or what is running, starting time, admission, etc, and announce cancellation or postponement in a timely fashion. Also, feature results are usually posted minutes after the completion of the race. 
P. Unless there has been a lot of rain before a race or a forecast of rain that never happened , tracks can maintain a surface throughout the night. An example was at BAPS for their Speedweek show, forecast of heavy rain in afternoon that never happened, so consequently the didn't water much, it became very dusty, not much they could do there. 

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"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows 3-Wide 8/2/2024 1:49:35 PM