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"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows

"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 8/3/2024 5:40:49 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

As for "F", I think when this was written by Russ many years ago (14 years ago), some tracks did not have Facebook, and were relying on webmasters to update the track's site, or to post on message boards which many didn't do consistently.  I would agree with you Rick that now that most tracks do a good job now of letting folks know up to the hour what is happening through social media, which works fine for those who are using social media, which we know, is a majority of people... but not all of the people.

As for "P", I remember talking to Russ about this and what he was getting at specifically, is when tracks stop the action inbetween heats/events, and insist on taking 5 - 10 minute (or more) to perform some sort of well intentioned track maintenance, usually to try to reduce the dust, and then take another few minutes to run the track in... and then surer than $hit, 2 laps into the next heat race and the track is just as dusty as it was before the watering/running in, etc.,.  I've seen it happen too after even longer track maintenance efforts (sometimes during an extended intermission) where what you had before intermission, you start getting again a few laps into following event.

I think Russ was pretty smart in "conditioning" the entire piece by calling it "Rules of Thumb" and then defining a Rule of Thumb as "A useful principle having wide application but not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable in every situation." 

...And like you Rick, I agree with most of Russ' rules!

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"Rule of Thumb" Ideas to Improve Short Track Shows 3-Wide 8/2/2024 1:49:35 PM