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Nostalgia Night - Action Shot

Nostalgia Night - Action Shot  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 6/5/2022 1:16:46 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

From my experience, the best action of the night was watchin' Ed and Kevin on the grill!

Between Kevin cooking up the burgers with choice of cheese, sauteed mushrooms, onions.... all on a lightly toates roll, and Ed grillin' up his smoked sausage sandwiches, nobody left hungry!  Thanks also to Rich Dise (The Mini Shed) who brought the traditional Shoo Fly Pie to end on a sweet note.  I understand there were also a few beverages of choice on ice there as well....

Here's a few of us pre-race enjoying some food, a few racing stories, and eventually even a few marginally good jokes!

Thank you to all the guys in the picture above, and for those who stopped by to say hello on their way over to the ticket office.  Big Vault thanks to Ed for getting the ball rolling on this, and for Kevin, Rich and for all the guys who helped get everything set up, and then eventually got everything packed back up, all in time to get over to the track to watch some racing on Nostalgia Night at OCFS.

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Nostalgia Night - Ed & Kevin D.Wolfe-358 6/5/2022 11:32:55 AM