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New Egypt Speedway Cancelled 6/11/22

New Egypt Speedway Cancelled 6/11/22  

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Author: 3-Wide.   Date: 6/12/2022 8:50:37 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I have no issue with any track cancelling for any reason that they decide. 

It's there sandbox.  It's their investment.  It's their risk.

What I do have an issue with is the wording given as the reason for the cancellation which was:  "Due to the impending weather forecast for this afternoon, speedway management has decided to cancel tonight's events."

Now, I always thought I knew what the word "impending" meant, but just to be sure, I looked it up online and here's the first 3 definitions that I found:


  • occurring or likely to occur soon
  • about to happen; imminent:
  • happening or likely to happen soon

Like I said, if any track wants to cancel for whatever reasons, it's their deal... 

For those that live out of the area, I'll just say that I drove by the track on my way up from the shore a little after noon on Saturday (see below), and having watched/listened to the forecast provided on Friday, and the forecast provided earlier in the day on Saturday, I am challenged by the use of the word "impending."

It didn't rain here yesterday or last night (10 miles NE of the track), and I just spoke to a friend that lives in New Egypt (2 miles from the track) and they said it never rained their either (afternoon or at night.)

Like I said.... I have no issue with a track making a personal or a business decision to not run.  I do have a problem with juicing up a communications release by saying that there was an "impending weather forecast"....

I'll leave it at if the source that the track was using for predicting the night's weather did indicate that the weather was "impending", at the very least, maybe somebody should use a better weather app/better process for determining what is "impending" and what isn't.  If not, and if the decision was made to cancel for something other than the reason provided, then next time, save us the smoke and just say, "We have made the decision to cancel tonight's racing program."

I hope for all NJ tracks (and for the competitors, staff, and for the few of us that still move things around on our Saturday's in order to try to still attend races in person) that the remainder of 2022 brings them nothing but 70 to 85 degree Saturday's, with zero chance of rain. 

If not, and if they don't want to run for whatever reason they may have....  just cancel and leave it at that.

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New Egypt Speedway Cancelled 6/11/22 New Egypt Speedway 6/11/2022 4:09:19 PM