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Where Did You Go and How Was The Show?

Where Did You Go and How Was The Show?  

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Author: kjeyres   Date: 7/10/2022 8:57:01 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Wall Stadium Nascar Whelan tour Jersey Shore 150. Just when you lose faith in the Ol Girl it draws you back. It wasn't a home run, It was a grand slam!!!  Great crowd. Great timing. Amazing announcing.  Earl Krause and Gary Larsen are gonna go down with the rest of the greats.  Went as spotter but watched replay on Flo and appreciate how good Earl  and Gary are together.  When Wall Stadium invests in lights it will rival Staford.  Saw a lot of 3 Widers there. 

Im usually very critical of Wall because of the time i have spent there but I give it an A ++.  It really was a great show. The under classes were all very good and timely. The Factory Stocks are the best class, of its type, that I see at any track. It rivaled a great Turkey Derby but without the cold!  

Frank A jr, you would've love it.

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Where Did You Go and How Was The Show? 3-Wide 7/10/2022 12:53:27 PM