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Anyone watching NASCAR tonight?

Anyone watching NASCAR tonight?  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 2/5/2023 2:38:42 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Saturday's "event" will be a concert, interupted by some noisy annoying racecars at times.

They'll never admit to it but I bet they give away more tickets than they sell.

If it's like last year, watch the show producer going nuts trying to get the cameraman cameraperson (after all, it is California...) to find anybody in the crowd that even momentarily looks like they are actually there for a race, rather looking bored to tears... staring at their phone, or a bunch or rowdy college kids wondering when the music is going to start.

You may think it's a wee bit early, but I'm sure the promo's are already being worked on proclaiming what a huge success the 2023 event was.... and how because of it's overwhelming success, they are pleased to announce it's return for 2024.

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Anyone watching NASCAR tonight? Lenny Swider 2/4/2023 9:47:52 PM