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Anyone watching NASCAR tonight?

Anyone watching NASCAR tonight?  

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Author: Pee Wee Fan   Date: 2/5/2023 5:41:09 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I've  DVR'd the race and will probably zip thru the commercials, and maybe parts of the race.  And I might not watch it at all.  I do agree with MDracer regarding his comment that "the kids"  aren't really interested in Nascar.  Most of the folks I see driving Supras, Camaros and Mustangs are feeding their "mid life crisis".  The kids seem to like their Hondas. Acuras and Nissans with the low suspensions and wings on the trunk lids.  I think thats why Nascar tried rear wings instead of spoilers for awhile, to attract the kids.  it didn't work, plus the cars were "taking off"  when they got going backwards.  Give em credit for trying, but with no success as yet.  Scott Ely    

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Anyone watching NASCAR tonight? Lenny Swider 2/4/2023 9:47:52 PM