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Kids riding on race car images

Kids riding on race car images  

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Author: Steve Cameron   Date: 3/17/2023 12:35:18 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Sometime in the early 60's (when Nazareth still had the old covered grandstands) we went for an early season race (I seem to remember it being Easter Sunday) when they allowed kids to ride in the cars. I got to ride in Bill Wimbles #33 coupe with 3 other kids. I was just like the kid in the top photo looking out of the opera window only I was on the outside. When Bill was at Motorsports signing his book "I'll Never Be Last Again" a few years back, my brother told Bill about my experience that day and Bill said that he remembered it well. My brother bought me a copy of the book and had Bill autograph it and Bill added a note telling me he hoped I'd enjoyed the ride!

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Kids riding on race car images Lenny Swider 3/16/2023 1:25:51 PM