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Author: AF IV   Date: 3/27/2023 6:11:32 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

As Weld cars go this one was very different then most. I don't know much about the offset car that Breeding drove but I believe the rest were Mig welded as where the 112 was Tigged. The bars were short and butted together into a splined coupling and held in with set screws. Kenny liked the shorter bars rather then the longer cross torsion that most of us had. The short bars had "more spring frequencies" (his words). Jacobs latter on rightside, long torque tube, closed tube rear, Ford 3 speed side loader trans, 52" drop front axle. Kenny Welds best effort for sure. Enter Don Brown to put the aero advantage body on and caught us all sleeping.

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112 Lenny Swider 3/24/2023 4:12:28 PM