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Racing Plans Anyone?

Racing Plans Anyone?  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 4/13/2023 9:19:46 PM   

Watching... Attending... Participating?

It's certainly warm enough now for racing here in the northeast, so now we'll see if it'll be dry enough.

I do plan on watching Indycar this weekend on Peacock (thanks for the reminder Greg).  Have a lot of catching up to do on Flo as well (some sprint car races, other), plus I think their back to offering Lincoln and Port Royal now which I now enjoy checking out weekly. 

If the weather's good, I'll probably head somewhere on Saturday night though as even with the convenience of Flo, there's still something very enjoyable about being at a track in person on a Saturday night and not having to worry about work the next day!

How about you guys....  Any racing plans for this weekend?

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Racing Plans Anyone? 3-Wide 4/13/2023 9:19:46 PM