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Tuesday Night in Black & White

Tuesday Night in Black & White  

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Author: RuCu    Date: 5/17/2023 12:21:50 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Driver in photo 1 is very lucky that the chain link fence bracing pipe did not impale him. I recall an incident in the early 70's where a car hopped over the hub rail at East Windsor just at the start of the front stretch. The bumper and front wheel popped thru the fence by about a foot or less dislodging one of the horizontal braces. Jones had a welder onsite Monday morning to weld together all of the bracing along the entire front stretch to strengthen it. Cost a pretty penny, but that prob never recurred. There are many tracks today with "loose" press fitted fence braces. I am surprised that the insurance companies do not required welded fence braces.
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Tuesday Night in Black & White 3-Wide. 5/16/2023 7:58:18 PM