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Matheny Christmas in July - Saturday July 8th (1 - 3pm)

Matheny Christmas in July - Saturday July 8th (1 - 3pm)  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 6/24/2023 11:31:28 AM   

Event info from Kevin:

We've heard from some, would love to hear from more!

July 8th, 1-3pm at the Matheny School & Hospital in Peapack. See our friends at Matheny, BBQ, and Santa!  A few hours to just catch up.

There are no gifts or donations required for the July party, but would love to see all our friends and great supporters at this event.

I can be reached at 73two-five eight zero-36 two four or kjeyres2 @ aol. com (no spaces.) Please RSVP either method, or by using the RSVPipy link below, so we have a head count for food.

We're looking forward to Matheny Christmas in July, and hope you'll be a part of it too!

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Matheny Christmas in July - Saturday July 8th (1 - 3pm) 3-Wide 6/24/2023 11:31:28 AM