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Where'd Ya Go.... What Did Yo Watch?

Where'd Ya Go.... What Did Yo Watch?  

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Author: paintman   Date: 7/4/2023 10:29:51 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Tried to watch Bridgeport on Flo Saturday but for some reason the feed always locks up on me and sends my tv in the cyberspace abyss. Not sure if its the track, my phone, or the tv's fault, but I can never get it to play for more than 5 minutes. So I gave up and switched over to Fonda on Flo. Joined in just when they were starting the sportsman feature. I figured great! Perfect timming, and then spent the next 40 minutes watching them try to get 5 laps in under green. They finaly gave up and threw them all off the track and brought out the modifieds. Good race, and the track was in pretty decent shape. Track still kind of reminds me of Flemington.

Sunday watched USAC wingless sprints from Lincoln Park. Joined in right when the "C" main started. When it was finished they turned the top 4 finishers right around and sent them out for the "B". That was at 8p.m. so i figured the show would be over by 9 because you alway hear the jibber jabber about how the midwest tracks never do any track prep during the night. I then spent the next 45 minutes watching some old farm tractor crawl around at a snails pace and till the entire track. All the while watching flo show 2 grown fat men buzz cut each others hair in front of the granstand crowd. I then realized why dirt track racing has the redneck hillbilly stigma attached to it. WHAT A BAD FRIGGIN LOOK FOR ANY TRACK! After suffering through that torture they finaly rolled out the "A" main and of course it was a snoozer.

So after torturng myself for roughly 4 hours of flo my only conclusions are.......Every damn track officail and wrecker driver is overweight. And dirt track racing will never come out of the dark ages. I mean really, on Independence day weekend during intermission, you can't do something a litlle more classy then shave 2 fat mens heads!

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Where'd Ya Go.... What Did Yo Watch? 3-Wide 7/3/2023 4:08:51 PM