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Same Winner Discussion

Same Winner Discussion  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 8/26/2023 1:47:13 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I appreciate the big winners, but I am definitely guilty of always rooting for the underdog... even when a big winner that I really like/respect is battling the underdog....  I still root for the underdog thinking that it may be his only shot at a win, while the big winner will probably have many more opportunities.

Hating on big winners is nothing new...  Seen it with Foyt... Andretti....  Petty....  Ploski....  Pauch....Earnhart... Gordon.... Jimmie Johnson. 

The thing about people hating on big winners is that if a big winner ends up in a long drought or has some other carreer setback, those same exact people that enjoyed booing the former big winner, will be the first to applaud the comeback win.. 

Seems we like to root for folks on their way up....  And then when they get too successful we like to boo them....  And then if they fall on hardtimes, we want to be there to applaud when they put it all back together and return to glory.

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Same Winner Discussion T-Hem 8/24/2023 8:06:25 PM