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Where'd Ya Go.... What Did Yo Watch?

Where'd Ya Go.... What Did Yo Watch?   

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Author: D.Wolfe-358   Date: 9/19/2023 12:37:25 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Where did you go - Maplegrove, as a fan in the stands with VIP tickets thanks to the Koretsky Family and Joe at 3wide. 

This was my first visit there ever! Wow, what an event reminds me of Super Dirt Weeks in the past. Everywhere you looked there were campers, race cars, fans,  food, and souvenir vendors. Sell out crowd on hand. 

Last time I saw Top Fuel and Funny Cars run where back at Englishtown in the 1970’s when we would see guys like Jungle Jim and Dyno Don Nickolson. Gone are the Chevy Monza’s and higher ETs. The 3-second range is so hard to comprehend, from the time the current cars line up till the end of the race. Totally mind-blowing speed! 

If you ever get a chance to see this event Go! Just Go! If ever offered to attend this event again, I will in a New York Second!

What did I watch - NASCAR at Bristol caught the last 100-plus laps. Absolutely boring race, Hamiln just cruised to a win. To much playoff talk about Bubba, Harvick, and Joey L. 

Second race I watched: Maplegrove final round was rescheduled till Monday due to rain. Fox Sports had the event on last night. Doug Kalitta picked up his 50th win in Top Fuel, and Robert Hight in Funny Car, the interviews at the end of each race are very enjoyable. I was rooting for Kyle Koretsky to win in Pro Stocks. However, Kyle was beaten out in the last round by Matt Hartford. Matt had appendix surgery the week before and needed a doctors' permission to race in the event. Then he had electrical problems all week. I definitely would recommend watching the race again if Fox Sports airs later in the week.

Top photo is Kyle Kotertsky (Pro Stock), and the bottom photo is a burn out in process for a Funny car.


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Where'd Ya Go.... What Did Yo Watch? 3-Wide 9/18/2023 4:23:13 PM