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Author: kjeyres   Date: 9/21/2023 7:38:20 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window    

Great article, no sugar coating.  What a class act!

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126 buddhavb 9/20/2023 8:16:45 PM
       126  B Foder 9/20/2023 10:25:06 PM
       126  kjeyres 9/21/2023 7:38:20 AM
         126  Pee Wee Fan 9/21/2023 11:05:01 AM
           126   buddhavb 9/21/2023 6:46:35 PM
         126  Engine Guy  9/21/2023 6:27:53 PM
       126   GeneSS 9/22/2023 2:00:38 PM
         126  clevco 9/22/2023 4:01:35 PM
           126  GeneSS 9/22/2023 6:52:15 PM
         126  Roger26  9/23/2023 2:14:51 PM