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BC39 on Flo

BC39 on Flo  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 10/14/2023 12:31:22 PM   

.... I just finished watching the 3 day event on Flo. (I'm always about a week behind on watching stuff on Flo.... I always like having a little extra in the "Flo Bank", especially for rainy weekends like this one.... )

I'm not sure if there is a better form of racing out there than the USAC Midget series, and with 80+ cars signed in for the BC 39 event, held in the infield of The Indianpolis Speedway, there was no shortage of racing talent, both young and those not so young. 

For anyone who knows me, they might think it's a surprise hearing me carry on about "Midget Racing" as admittedly, in years past, even though I respected drivers who competed in the midget division, I was always a modified fan first and everything else was somewhere way after that.  I never really paid attention to midget racing... not even the Chili Bowl or other high profile events.  Flo, and the way they present the show, has changed that.

For anyone who has Flo and is late watching stuff like me, I won't cover who won the BC39 on each of the 3 nights (don't want to spoil it), but I watched the full replay (including driver interviews, opening ceromonies, and victory lane), and I'll just say that I really like how the show is presented, and how fierce the competition is.  It is absolutely compelling and unpredictable.  I'm thinking about attending in person for at least some, if not all of the show next year.

It is a great event, and most important, is in the name "BC39" itself:


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BC39 on Flo 3-Wide 10/14/2023 12:31:22 PM