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AARN renewal

AARN renewal   

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Author: Uncle Tom1   Date: 11/23/2023 10:29:54 AM   

Hoping one of you fine people might be able to help me out. I thought that I had read or heard that there is a digital only subscription for "the paper". I can't seem to find it on their website. I'm lucky if I get the paper by Sunday, if I get it at all ! For decades, I would get it on Wednesdays like clockwork. 5-6 years ago delivery became sporadic . To be brutally honest, it's simply not worth $70/year anymore TO ME. I enjoy the product and find it on informative and entertaining when I get it in a timely manner. Its rather useless by the time I get it as all the information is old news. I can only contact our post office so many times to find absolutely nothing out. Would love to have a digital only subscription.

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AARN renewal Uncle Tom1 11/23/2023 10:29:54 AM