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New Images Added to The Vault: Janet Guthrie at Trenton

New Images Added to The Vault: Janet Guthrie at Trenton  

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Author: dnoldschool34   Date: 11/30/2023 9:41:11 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The first day was canceled because of the berm, dozers came in and cut the berms to 90 degrees and that took a couple of days . Then she tested and was the only car there and just a few of us were there . They didnt want a bunch of folks there A few weeks of things did go well . The press deal was a few days later when it was closer to the April date .  Rolla Valstat owned the car and it was not a great ride but he was the only one who would give her a chance. She did get a turn at  Indy in one of AJ 's cars and ran some big laps and showed everyone she could drive with the best of them but no one wanted a woman driver . It was still a time when there was the no tits in pits attitude in racing. When I moved here in 99 we started working with a few women drivers who were very talented and worked to fine them a ride and sponsorship in NASCAR but it was still a man's world. The Danica came along and was the sexy little thing who was able to drive better than some but had that sexy image and she got all of the attention . She was good at marketing herself and NASCAR jumped on the chance to attract young girls and lets face it guys who thought she was hot . When she went to Daytona for her first 500 I told everyone she would be on the pole before she even turned a lap because she was going to be the big story NASCAR was looking for and I was right. Did she get the call, welllllllll what do you think?????

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New Images Added to The Vault: Janet Guthrie at Trenton 3-Wide 11/29/2023 4:54:35 PM