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Matheny Christmas Update

Matheny Christmas Update  

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Author: kjeyres   Date: 11/30/2023 4:41:46 PM   

Thank you all for your kind donations!!! Making Last Call here.  We received six more students today and it kind of spread us thin.  The electronics is why we take donations.  We've always said, whatever they ask for, we will find a way. We match students to familes/donors and they buy the bulk, but the more expensive electronics is where we need donations.

Most of the students are now taken care of, thanks to everyone who helps, and there are a lot of people.  This year the 3 Wides Family donated early, but recently, because of Earl Krause's article, and Ernie Saxton's article, both in AARN, we have seen a surge in donations from people from all over.  Thank You Earl, Thank You Ernie!

Thank you all !!!

Checks or gift cards can be sent to:
RJC Charities
70 Albert Drive
Parlin, NJ, 08859
Attn:  Bob Caramella   (Please Note:  Matheny School Party in the memo line.)

(RJC will return a tax exempt voucher to you if requested - (Please provide a mailing address where to send the voucher.)


Donations via Paypal can be made through a link on the RJC Charities Website:   (RJC will return a tax exempt voucher to you if requested - (Please provide a mailing address where to send the voucher.)


Checks or gift cards to be used for the purchase of gifts for the students can also be mailed to:

Kevin Eyres
144 Mercer Rd
Colts Neck, NJ  07722

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Matheny Christmas Update kjeyres 11/30/2023 4:41:46 PM