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"Valiant Effort"

"Valiant Effort"  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 1/15/2024 2:40:51 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Here's a few that you guys came up with a few years ago when we were looking for pictures of your favorite Valiant bodied racers:

Earl Schloeder #K46.  This one was driven by Phil Meisner, Al Tasnady, Mike Grbac and Bob Pickell.

Ronnie Guinther

Don Kreitz

Fred Orchard - We're told this is the former Don Kreitz#406 pictured above.

Dutch Hoag #7, but you guys determined that it might be Lee Osborn driving it (?)

Geoff Bodine

Photographer info/provider info as marked.

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My favorite Valiant - Langhorne 1970 Jhardifer 1/12/2024 8:26:32 AM