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Shovel, Snow Blower or Plow?

Shovel, Snow Blower or Plow?  

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Author: Pee Wee Fan   Date: 1/20/2024 12:21:44 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"DNoldschool34", I' m jealous.  Here in Yardley, Pa we got 3, maybe 4 in.  Have to be honest, I used my Ariens snowblower but also did the driveways and sidewalks of 2 neighbors.  Bought it used 3 years ago from a guy in Lewes, Del for 500.00.  He said he only used it once and couldn't control it (he said he was 78 yrs old and looked liked he weighed about 140 lbs!).  I believed him as there wasn't a scratch on it.  According to the  internet  it retails for 1400.00!  Scott Ely

P.S. Guess I got off the subject a tad.


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Shovel, Snow Blower or Plow? 3-Wide 1/19/2024 5:40:13 PM