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Flippington... (not quite, but a hard hit for sure) #22 & # 14K

Flippington... (not quite, but a hard hit for sure) #22 & # 14K  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 1/25/2024 9:09:46 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Yea... that was the question I had when trying to put them in the correct sequence of the pictures, but if it is all the same accident, which I'm pretty much 100% sure it is, then somehow, they squared back up as you put it. 

I put the last picture last because of the damage to the left front shock/shock mount visiblein the last 3 pics, the smoke trail, and the mark on the track trailing from where would have been where the two cars made impact and from where the other car probably still was.

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Flippington... (not quite, but a hard hit for sure) #22 & # 14K 3-Wide 1/25/2024 1:49:48 PM