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A thrilling exhibition race that delivered thrills, spills & boiling temps

A thrilling exhibition race that delivered thrills, spills & boiling temps  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 2/5/2024 4:07:25 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Nascar's version:  "The result? A thrilling exhibition race that delivered thrills, spills and even boiling tempers after the Cup Series’ event — plus a full 150-lap NASCAR Mexico Series race, marking a monumental day for the international series."

Further proof that I am obviously not the fan that NASCAR is targeting.

Here's their press release:

I do like that they moved the race from Sunday to Saturday night, as it reads like it was either that or cancel it entirely for this year.  From what I understand, the weather was awful on Sunday, and is also raining heavily in the LA area today.

I do like that they offered refunds for those who had bought tickets for Sunday, not only for tickets, but also for parking that had been paid in advance. 

They opened the gates free to spectators for Saturday's event.

I didn't see any evidence to back up the statement, "The lower sections of the historic LA Coliseum were packed with race fans who got to experience a full day’s worth of events free of charge", however, it is a Nascar press release, so it should be read at one's own risk of being manipulated just a bit....

They got lemons... and made lemonade...  and sometimes that's the best you can hope for. 


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I'm Not Going to Be Negative... 3-Wide 2/4/2024 12:19:42 PM