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Cannizzaro brothers

Cannizzaro brothers  

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Author: Car#21   Date: 2/9/2024 9:58:36 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Vince was a superstar back in the 50's..At many local tracks they had a bounty posted for anyone to beat him...He drove A Grand National car for Garth Pitcairn on the NASCAR circuit..In the 70's at my garage in Morrisville, PA... Vince was a weekly visitor looking thru my used racing tires for sizes he could use...Vince would only take one or two no matter how many times I told him to take as many as he wanted...He would sit with me for an hour or so telling me stories about his racing days. Between Vince and Wally Marks I got quite an education in the art of car racing. Fred Menschner.

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Cannizzaro brothers Jhardifer 2/8/2024 8:03:34 AM