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Author: wallneewvet   Date: 4/16/2024 8:59:47 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

thanks for the post, john--

chevies when we started the division were 230ci or 250ci

fords were 240 ( seperate manifolds) or 240ci (log manifold) 

plymouths and dodges were(225ci slant 6 's)

my engine was a 250ci punched .040 over --built by Ron Buck-

he didn't want to go more than .040 because of the close water jackets--

do you know what the overbore was on your dad's & uncle's engines were ??

blessings !! 


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Modern stock 6 cylinder HP John Springsteel 4/14/2024 2:56:50 PM