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Where Did You Go/How Was The Show

Where Did You Go/How Was The Show  

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Author: Kevin Mc   Date: 4/18/2024 5:50:23 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Went to Millbridge again last night. 31 non-wing 600 micros. 15 winged micros. About the same number of restricted micros and a couple other classes has a dozen or so entries.

The four non-wing heats were fantastic. 8 start, 4 qualify. Top 2 go in the dash. Very meaningful heats.
I'm becoming a fan of Sheldon Creed. I knew of him previously only because he looks like one of the Hanson brothers from Slap Shot and because RCR treated him shabbily last year but he is a Wheelman. 8th to 4th in 8 laps in the dash.
I think he finished 3rd in the feature. He's not afraid to bang a RR off the wall.

Kyle Busch got 2nd in the winged feature.
Show was over around 9:45. They don't play. Every second counts at Millbridge.
Only complaint is it always gets dusty come feature time. Stupid Carolina clay!

Definitely going back. Often.
Just a great show all around. Well worth the $15 pit pass/ticket.
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Where Did You Go/How Was The Show indy-legs 4/15/2024 8:25:26 PM