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A little help from 3Wide crew?

A little help from 3Wide crew?  

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Author: katman43   Date: 4/19/2024 9:38:14 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

2 years ago was our first visit.  Stayed about 30 minutes away on a normal day.  Left arond 630AM and took at least 3 hours in traffic to get there & park.  We had purchased parking on the grounds.  What I noticed nearing the track that prices range from about $25 to a $100.  The closer you get to the track, the more it costs.  Not sure shat advice to give there.  Depends how far you want to walk.  

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A little help from 3Wide crew? throughthefence 4/19/2024 3:52:40 PM