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What Did You Watch/ Where did you Go?  

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Author: D.Wolfe-358   Date: 5/13/2024 3:49:59 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Went to New Egypt as a Fan in the Stands. 

Liked - With Bridgeport off and OCFS not racing. A decent field of Modifieds were on hand. This gave the heat races and the consi actual meaning as a few cars were sent home. Dominick Buffalino won his heat race going away. It's also good to see Chris Grbac win his heat. Dominick looked like he would win the feature, till his car went up into a cloud of smoke. With 3 laps go in the 30-lap feature.

Disliked - The show took over 4 hours to complete, with temperatures in the upper 40's. Half the crowd left before Intermission. Speaking of the crowd, many Wall Stadium and Bridgeport fans were in attendance. Since both tracks were closed 

Suggestions - Get rid of the second Rookie Feature! Just let the winner go to the Crate Feature. Let the other 5 cars run in one of the 3 heat races instead. They would get more experience running against stronger competition.

Going back in a Month - Yes. 

Watched the last 1/2 hour of the Truck Race, good to see Stew finish in 2nd place for a change.

Watched parts of the Cup Race, and it looked like Darlington had a decent size crowd on hand. The Lady in Black gave Kyle Larson a lesson or two.  

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Thoughts on New Egypt Speedway, May 11th Pee Wee Fan 5/12/2024 4:11:36 PM