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Any Indy 500 Thoughts?

Any Indy 500 Thoughts?  

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Author: dnoldschool34   Date: 5/26/2024 10:58:41 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

This is my favorite day of the year. Thought it was a great finish love that an American driver won. Wish there were more guys like Larson who just didn't bring a big check to the deal. I never heard of half the drivers these days . Just a final thought check out the Behind the Bricks on YouTube, it is a look at the things that it takes to run the speedway with Doug Boles hosting the show. Lot of really kool things about the place and the people who make it all work. Lots of segments, check it out.

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Any Indy 500 Thoughts? 3-Wide 5/26/2024 8:38:02 PM