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NASCAR Influence At Indy

NASCAR Influence At Indy  

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Author: Caddy Daddy   Date: 5/27/2024 10:27:44 AM   

I‘m kinda thinking that Smokey Yunick was the first NASCAR pioneer to show up at Indy to tune some cars and eventually bring his own creation to the race. Thinking this was the in the early ‘60’s timeframe. Then, you had the Wood Brothers pitting Jim Clark’s 1965 winning entry. I can remember both LeeRoy Yarbrough and Cale Yarborough being in the 1967 version of the race. Most recently, Tony Stewart ran Indy five times and John Andretti qualified 12 times. Any other NASCAR drivers/car owners/crewmen that you can think of who participated in the Indy 500? Oh, and as great as they are, I don’t consider AJ, Mario, or the Unser’s as strictly NASCAR drivers.

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NASCAR Influence At Indy Caddy Daddy 5/27/2024 10:27:44 AM