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Parneli Jones

Parneli Jones  

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Author: dnoldschool34   Date: 6/5/2024 10:03:08 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

We lost a great one . I loved watching him in old Rufus at Trenton. I thought that was one best looking cars I had ever seen and Parnelli looked like what a race driver should look like . I miss guys like him and AJ in Indy car today there was a certain rough around the edges quality about the guys back then that it missing today with the pretty boys we got now who as the say wouldn say sh$t for a bucket full. I guess I just miss those days with those simple cars with men who were bigger than life to a kid like me who loved the sounds and smells of racing. 

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Parneli Jones Passes le sieurs 6/5/2024 8:34:02 AM