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Good news for a change - Millstream Speedway Findley OH

Good news for a change - Millstream Speedway Findley OH  

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Author: GeneSS   Date: 6/15/2024 5:36:24 PM   

 With all the negative news about tracks closing, here is a nice bit of news. Findlay Ohio has had a dirt track (Millstream Speedway) that has had a run of real back luck with shady promotors, bad weather, & other assorted issues and it has been closed for 10 years or so. Anyhow new owners have been busting butt for 6 months getting the place shipshape and had thier 1st event last nght. It was a storybook tale of success with a packed house and great night of racing.

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Good news for a change - Millstream Speedway Findley OH GeneSS 6/15/2024 5:36:24 PM