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Congratulations to Announcer Eric Brennan

Congratulations to Announcer Eric Brennan  

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Author: Eric Brennan   Date: 6/17/2024 7:32:14 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Thank you very much for the kind words! I've had a few people point this post out to me, and it means more than I can explain. I miss my home track so much, and have been so lucky to have to opportunities to do some of the things that I have been able to do. 

In terms of ARCA races on FS1: I'm currently scheduled to do Berlin (6/29), and Springfield (8/18). I'm not sure what opportunities exist beyond that point, but I've been blown away by the positive response from Iowa. 

If it wasn't for the tutelage of Earl, Gary and Jeff, as well as the opportunity from Cliff & Diane Krause, none of this would have ever been possible. 

I appreciate the support more than anything, and hope I can keep making Wall Stadium Speedway proud with every opportunity that comes to pass. Thank you again!

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Congratulations to Announcer Eric Brennan 3-Wide 6/16/2024 5:45:19 PM