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Glad You Attended?/Glad You Watched?

Glad You Attended?/Glad You Watched?  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 7/1/2024 10:28:09 AM   

Let us know if you attended/watched something this weekend that you enjoyed, or other....

I was pretty much locked into family stuff this weekend, so didn't get to go anywhere, and tried to watch the cup race after the fact last night that I had DVR'd, but ended up with the first 3/4's of a race, then it changed to Olympic related stuff, since they switched coverage from NBC to USA Network near the end of the race.  Race ran long due to a rain delay.

How about you guys?

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Glad You Attended?/Glad You Watched? 3-Wide 7/1/2024 10:28:09 AM