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Glad You Attended?/Glad You Watched?  

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Author: raceasauruss   Date: 7/1/2024 1:47:09 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Great races at NES, Alot of Wild Bill Liedtka tribute before, during and after the event. Only gripe is 2 divisions with small car counts.  They did a great job of moving the show along due to threatening rain. It curbed the victory lane celebrations where they had a 1st time winner and the Simmons win with his having Liedtka's sportsman door panels on it as well as a win for Dom Buffalino who hasn't won in  a while in his own machine. All in all a great nite and the fans are happier campers this year.

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Glad You Attended?/Glad You Watched? 3-Wide 7/1/2024 10:28:09 AM