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Msg ID: 2711764 Inaugural California 500 program    
Author:Jack Kromer
11/24/2021 7:36:01 PM

Paging through the inaugural California 500 program from 1970 at the Ontario Motor Speedway. What an entry list. Love those old colorful advertisements--the ones that just scream the 70's.

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Msg ID: 2711801 Inaugural California 500 program    
Author:Greg Collins
11/25/2021 9:18:52 AM

Reply to: 2711764

Thanks for sharing this, Jack. It's neat checking out the entry list and seeing Al Loquasto and his #26 Indy on a Shoestring Special; am pretty sure the Jim Hurtubise #56 was his front engine Mallard roadster; the #14 Foyt entry, a backup for his primary #7, was driven to victory in that race by Jim McElreath.

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Msg ID: 2711808 Inaugural California 500 program    
11/25/2021 9:59:34 AM

Reply to: 2711764

Thanks for posting Jack.  It inspired me to watch the entire 1971 Indianapolis 500 on YouTube last night (first year I went to Indy.)  I had seen Indy cars at Trenton and at Langhorne, but 1971 was the first year for me at Indy.

Checking the line up in your 1970 California 500 Program. I figured out that I seen all but possibly 7 driver's run at some point.  The ones I didn't see drive are John Cannon, LeRoy Yarbrough, Ronnie Bucknam (might have seen him.. not sure), Greg Weld, Dan Gurney (might have seen if he ran Trenton in the late 60's), Keith Rachweitz and Kevin Bartlett.

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Msg ID: 2711823 Inaugural California 500 program    
11/25/2021 1:21:07 PM

Reply to: 2711764

Wow, 1 Canadian, 1 Australian, all the rest from the good ole USA, and most of them drove sprint cars and midgets.  Wish I could turn back time.

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Msg ID: 2711850 Inaugural California 500 program    
Author:Kevin Mc
11/25/2021 9:57:03 PM

Reply to: 2711823
It bothered me at one time that there was alot of foreign born drivers out there but its unimportant to me now. I mean do people get all twisted up if theres a bunch of Russians and Europeans in the NHL or mostly Non-American baseball players? Also, we've lived in a time where we watched Helio, TK, Wheldon, Dixon, Dario, etc and many others so it's not like we've been short changed by all these foreigners.

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Msg ID: 2711864 Inaugural California 500 program    
11/26/2021 8:12:46 AM

Reply to: 2711850

I does bother me.  I grew up watching guys run sprint cars and midgets, and if they were good enough they would pick up a ride in a second rate Indy car [Mario Andretti, Wally Dallenbach] until he could prove himself and get a better ride.  What I am saying is you could watch his career progress.  Yes, back in the mid 60's Clark, Hill, Brabham all came for the 500, but when they left their cars were sold off and American short track drivers got the rides.  That's just my opimion, and because of that I chose not to watch any Indycar race except for the 500.  

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Msg ID: 2711905 Inaugural California 500 program    
Author:Kevin Mc
11/26/2021 8:52:52 PM

Reply to: 2711864
Those days are long gone gone. We wouldn't be getting Brad Sweet or Donnie Schatz. Like NASCAR we'd be getting some 19 year old with dads money behind him getting a ride after a couple so-so years in Indy Lights and the Mazda series. No one anyone has heard of but the check always clears.

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Msg ID: 2711853 Inaugural California 500 program    
11/26/2021 1:07:48 AM

Reply to: 2711764

Turbocharged Rambler is a term you don't see much in Indy car racing anymore.

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Msg ID: 2711943 Inaugural California 500 program    
Author:Double D fan
11/27/2021 11:20:57 AM

Reply to: 2711853

Thank you Jack for posting this, it sure brought back a few memories. It was amazing sooo many cars , and not enough drivers. It WAS a special time. ( KM, I was t6hinking the same thing)Laughing

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