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Msg ID: 2712627 ARRA Announces Exciting Addition To Their Website – Another Coming Shortly +0/-0     
Author:ARRA Research
12/3/2021 6:16:16 PM

ARRA Announces Exciting Addition To Their Website  – Another Coming Shortly!

Ringoes,NJ – ARRA, Auto Racing Research Associates, a group of nearly thirty auto racing historians spread across the country, are pleased to announce another exciting addition to their popular statistical website!  Now, going to the ever growing website that provides researched and documented statistics for just about any subject in auto racing,  a viewer can take video trips back through time to visit race tracks that are no longer providing auto racing fans with weekly thrills.

  “Remembering The Old Speedways” is a plethora of YouTube videos that document those same speedways that once saw racing action, but these days…only feature Mother Nature taking wins as she reclaims the facilities….if they exist at all!  “I was quite surprised at the number of videos available on YouTube that do these documentations.” claimed ARRA President Fred Voorhees from his ARRA office located in his home in Ringoes,NJ.  “I spent a number of days collecting and going through these videos in an effort to get an interesting collection of tracks included and of course, they all provide so many memories.” Fred continued.  “I think the new feature will be a great addition to our website!  Yes, there are no statistics involved, but I think this still serves to honor the history of our sport and the research of the history of our sport goes right along with that act of honoring it!  But what I am really excited about is what began me thinking of adding this feature!”.

   ARRA historian Bob Markos came aboard just a few months ago as a late model division expert and has already dug into his library of racing research and has jumped right into the deep end of the mission of ARRA -  providing some great files to add to the breadth of the sites reach.  Bob’s Son Bob Jr. just so happens to be a member of the production crew of the Peacock Networks, Dale Earnhardt Jr. produced program “Lost Speedways”.  Through Bob Jr., ARRA has been privileged to acquire, and become the sole source of the preparation show notes that went into the production of season two of the popular program.  Speedways included in this feature are the Arundel, Cleveland County Fair, Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Pennsboro, Texas World, San Antonio and Daytona Beach and road course. 

  “These notes are pretty cool to look over to see just how some of the preparation for the show takes place.” Voorhees added.  “I hope fans take some time to look back at those speedways that we have lost over time and also take a look at the “Lost Speedway” show notes.  ARRA continues to want to offer viewers interesting looks back at our history!”  Interested fans can take a look at the new ARRA feature at the following address:

  And Voorhees hints that another new addition….hot on the heels of this new feature…is slated to be added within the next week.  “It will again, spread ARRA’s wings in our coverage of different divisions of racing and will serve to further my new goal of bringing ARRA to a more national level of reference of auto racing statistics.  That is all I want to say about it right now, but rest assured, I am working overtime to get this one on the website.  I found a source of information that is invaluable as far as statistics for this division of racing and I am actively seeking to get in touch with the person behind the site to inquire about how we can mutually aid each other’s efforts.”

  One last thing Voorhees wanted to get out there.  “Recently, ARRA viewer and racing fan Alan Moore got in contact with me to point out a few issues with one or two files on our site.” Fred revealed.  “Alan thought that there might be some contradictions in our records and sure enough…there was a file with a win included that actually didn’t belong there due to the event not measuring up to ARRA criteria for a win.  He also pointed out an omission of an event that slipped through the cracks.  I wanted to take this opportunity to state that we are all human, and all of the historians at ARRA fully acknowledge that mistakes can happen.  This website is for all racing fans.  We are all interested in having racing facts that are accurate.  So, when the human element is factored in…there is always the chance that something could be amiss.  ARRA pleads with fans who think something doesn’t sound right or seems amiss, please by all means, contact us and we will take a look again and make things correct!  I want to thank Alan for speaking up and pointing out a few items that needed attention.”

   Auto Racing Research Associates is a group of almost thirty auto racing historians across the country banded together for the purpose of the research, documentation and displaying of auto racing history such as driver win statistics, as well as track, racing series’ and organizations histories and also the background of racing personalities, particular cars from the past and various other interesting facts of racing history that should not be forgotten.  ARRA continues to build a network of associated auto racing related websites to unite for better chances of furthering the understanding of the past of our sport.  ARRA offers looking up services for those looking for one particular piece of information from the past.  They are the official statistics information source of the Flemington Speedway Historical Society and have been doing much of the research work for a number of years for the Northeast Dirt Modified Museum and Hall of Fame in Weedsport, NY.


Msg ID: 2712681 One Mans Dreams +0/-0     
12/4/2021 1:31:44 PM

Reply to: 2712627

I wish to thank Fred for having a dream and following it through to create a great  Site. Where ALL of racing can see the history of racing  drivers and owners and now the tracks that wer e in our past


           THANK you Fred  


Msg ID: 2712712 One Mans Dreams +0/-0     
Author:The Woodworker
12/5/2021 1:43:02 PM

Reply to: 2712681

T Bone…thanks for the kind words.  Its not just me!  There are twenty seven other historians that are just as dedicated to our task of documenting and preserving our sports history. 

  I’ve said this all before, but I am really blessed to be working with some of the best historians in the country.  Bill Braga Jr. and I started the genesis of this organization over twenty years ago just for sh*ts and giggles because we had drivers that we followed and neither one of us ever threw out any racing newspapers and once we got together and began collaborating on research projects…we realized that we were really doing something good for the sport.  Within a few years, we brought in Steve Barrick, the late Bill Hanna and Bill Skinner and us five founding members officially got ARRA – Auto Racing Reseach Associates - underway.


  From that point, it got nuts.  We naturally just kept getting bigger and bigger and we had other historians suggested to us that we were told we needed to consider.  We are now twenty eight historians strong with our guys and our sources stretched across the country.  I made the decision a number of months ago, after the pleading of ARRA historian Thomas Schmeh, former curator of the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame in Knoxville, Iowa, to expand and go national.  I have been fortunate to secure historians that are experts in a variety of factions of the sport.  We recently brought on Bob Marcos who has been with the National Dirt Late Model Hall of Fame and obviously, excels in late model knowledge and research.  Long time sprint car expert Kevin Eckert is on board and provides expert views and stats on the national sprint car world.  The NorthEast dirt and asphalt modified world is well represented amongst our members.  We have members who have closely followed certain drivers…have attended certain tracks for most of their lives and are experts in their regions racing action.  I am always searching for other historians in other venues of our sport.  I am currently awaiting word back from a potential historian that has to do with the project that I am underway with right now that will definitely add to the variety of racing we cover and bring our work one step closer to national level.
