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Msg ID: 2714068 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
12/18/2021 11:47:04 AM

Come again, on a non-race day!

Here's another one of those amazing George Koyt photos... Not amazing maybe from a quality point, but amazing because it could be the only photo of it's kind, some almost 50 years later after taken. 

Most of us didn't take a camera along to Flemington... and those who did were probably taking pictures of what was happening on track.  I don't know what inspired George to click this one off, but for me, it is an amazing photo that shows a view that I'll let others comment on where George was sitting/standing when taking the photo, and hope that it will also inspire other observations and memories of Flemington Fair Speedway.

Msg ID: 2714112 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
12/18/2021 4:23:20 PM

Reply to: 2714068

Looks to me like this was an enduro race during the fair. Those people look like there hunkered down and not  anywhere. 

Msg ID: 2714137 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
12/18/2021 6:39:39 PM

Reply to: 2714068
I want to know who the blonde in the purple shorts is...sitting in the rain in a white shirt.😉

Msg ID: 2714139 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
Author:elf 30
12/18/2021 7:13:06 PM

Reply to: 2714137
John Mc, I think that may be what "inspired" the shot

Msg ID: 2714142 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
12/18/2021 7:58:45 PM

Reply to: 2714068

Sure looks alot like Cheryl Kania.

Msg ID: 2714197 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
12/19/2021 1:39:24 PM

Reply to: 2714142

Wonder if it cleared up looked more like a sun shower. A few die hards still saving their seats in case it cleared up.  

Msg ID: 2714203 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
12/19/2021 2:36:04 PM

Reply to: 2714068

I see some of you guys are easily distracted... Undecided

The photo is marked "Rain Delay - Flemington Fair - Sept 1973.

George took a lot of photos of stuff that others wouldn't have thought of... Entrance signs from many of the tracks he visited, pictures of pace cars from each track... pictures of the starter.. pictures of the stands.  All these years later and some of those off track photos are the ones that help us remember the most.

It looks to me like George was in the covered grandstand when the photo was taken.

Question:  Did they only put the colored flags/pennants up during the fair?  Also, what was the vendor trailer that was set up behind the first open stands in this shot? 

This photo reminds me of how you had to walk up the ramp from ground level, to the the elevated walkway in front of the stands, before then going up the steps to your seat.  I can't think of any other short tracks that I have been to that have that set up, but I'm sure there are some.

Wonder if anyone ended up with the "Sec 3 - Sec 4" sign?  It's one section out of frame, but that's where I sat for most of the 70's at Flemington... 

Thanks for the memories, made available by our friend, the late George Koyt.


Msg ID: 2714429 Slip and Slide +0/-0     
Author:Lenny Swider
12/21/2021 9:53:40 AM

Reply to: 2714203

I remember after a shower one night, some fans trying to cross over to the infield in turn one and ending up skating across the track. A few fortunate ones made it. Most didn't and ended up on their you know what. It was definitely comic relief and fan entertainment.

Msg ID: 2714513 Rain, Rain... Go Away.... +0/-0     
12/21/2021 11:19:01 PM

Reply to: 2714068

He was definitely in the main grandstand.  I didn't sit there often, but it was the place to be when this kind of thing happened.  In fact, the last time I was at Flemington in 1995 this is what happened, and we were sitting in those bleachers pictured here..  We took shelter under the main stands...kind of funny, but not.
