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Msg ID: 2714135 Two More Files Added to ARRA Website +0/-0     
Author:ARRA Research
12/18/2021 6:22:51 PM

  ARRA Research continues to add to its library of researched subjects of auto racing.  Today…two more files were added….both a trip back in time to long closed speedways.  ARRA Founding Member  Bill Skinner has submitted a research project on the Patterson, NJ speedway the Hinchliffe Stadium.>


  New ARRA historian Bob Markos continues to produce projects to add to our website.  His newest submitted research project covers the SAFE (Society of Auto Racing Fellowship and Education) from back in the fifies.  ARRA welcomes all race fans to check out the most recent additions to the ever growing ARRA Research auto racing statsitcs website!

