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Msg ID: 2714204 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
12/19/2021 2:41:20 PM

Photo By George Koyt/Provided by George Koyt Collection:

Let's see how many you guys can identify..... Smile

Msg ID: 2714213 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
Author:Steve Cameron
12/19/2021 4:19:21 PM

Reply to: 2714204

LK, BN(?), EC, KB Jr.

Msg ID: 2714309 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
12/20/2021 12:50:11 PM

Reply to: 2714204

LK, DP, BN, RV (or CA)  and KB jr

Msg ID: 2714351 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
12/20/2021 5:07:22 PM

Reply to: 2714204

Here's the image just a little bit larger...

I'm with you guys on the #K3 Les Katona, the red sedan of Bob Nixon #200, and the Ken Brenn Jr in the #24.  I've got names on the back of the picture for the other two, but I'm not sure if they are correct or not...  Who do you guys think (car #'s/driver's names) are on the inside and outside of the red sedan?

Msg ID: 2714373 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
12/20/2021 7:22:48 PM

Reply to: 2714351

Inside of the red sedan is George Ault in the 11-7. This was a Corvair body copied after Joe Hall's.

Msg ID: 2714377 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
12/20/2021 7:49:20 PM

Reply to: 2714351
Could be Charlie Gunther outside Nixon.

Msg ID: 2714380 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
Author:Steve Cameron
12/20/2021 8:15:20 PM

Reply to: 2714351

I originally thought the inside car was Ed Czech in his #21 mustang, but I don't think he ran that car until a year or two later.


Msg ID: 2714683 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 +0/-0     
12/23/2021 12:06:28 PM

Reply to: 2714351

My initial guess for the car on the outside was Rich Varone #35 but I think that car is the wrong color. Then I changed to the him in the #B car. That car has a white stripe on the back roof I don't see. So my third guess is Andy Horne #15a, which was the old #A car. 

I looked for the George Ault car mentioned in the vault but couldn't find it.


- David

Msg ID: 2714686 Flemington Sportsman Heat Race Action 1973 - Names & #'s +0/-0     
12/23/2021 1:40:31 PM

Reply to: 2714204

Info on the back of the picture:

Les Katona #K3

George Ault #11-7

Bob Nixon #200

John Gunther #14

Ken Brenn Jr #24Jr

Photo from Sept 1973.
