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Msg ID: 2714210 Matheny Christmas  +0/-0     
12/19/2021 3:43:30 PM

Tomorrow we bring gifts to Matheny. Scott Ely and I will be traveling the state to pick up more gifts. Thank you to everyone in the 3 Wide's family and the many friends who make Christmas possible for the students of The Matheny School and Hospital.  Thank you and Happy and safe holidays to everyone!

Msg ID: 2714336 thanks , kev !! +0/-0     
12/20/2021 3:41:33 PM

Reply to: 2714210

hey, kev--very cool mission you and your family have undertaken !! GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!

MERRY CHRISTMAS !!----bill garrett

Msg ID: 2714387 thanks , kev !! +0/-0     
Author:Rick Shive
12/20/2021 9:33:02 PM

Reply to: 2714336

Thanks for all the effort you put into this, and Merry Christmas!

Msg ID: 2714457 thanks , kev !! +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
12/21/2021 11:48:43 AM

Reply to: 2714387

I also want want to send a huge thank you out to Mr. Eyres for all his unselfish efforts in the Matheny Christmas party.  I can tell you that there were a lot more presents in that van yesterday than what you see in the photo.  Kevin has a lot on his "work" plate yet still takes the time to coordinate the Christmas party.  To me, Santa does not have white hair and a beard.  He's a clean shavin' red headed racer with a huge heart!  Again Kevin, thank you for all your efforts, as well as to all those folks that donated, or bought presents for the party.  One more thing, I don't think I'll ever forget the tour that Kevin gave me of the Cedar Grove- Pompton Lakes area yesterday.  I swear we went by the same school 2 or 3 times.  Maybe they were different schools but they sure looked the same!    Scott Ely  

Msg ID: 2714531 thanks , kev !! +0/-0     
12/22/2021 8:15:25 AM

Reply to: 2714457

Thank you Scott for all your help. Very enjoyable day. After the third pass by of the same school, lost, two guys in a white van was a bit creepy!  lol   Thanks again and Merry Christmas.

Next year, back to the Hagstroms, and "F" the phone directions!
