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Msg ID: 2714792 Roger Laureno Joins ARRA Roster of Researched Drivers    
Author:ARRA Research
12/24/2021 3:59:30 PM

Roger Laureno Joins ARRA Roster of Researched Drivers

Ringoes,NJ – ARRA, Auto Racing Research Associates are happy to announce the addition of yet another research project detailing the driving career of still another fan popular modified and small block modified driving sensation here in the Northeast…..Roger Laureno!

   “Racing notable Mark Yaple got in contact with me…” noted ARRA member Fred Voorhees. “….and he asked me if it were possible that we might do a little research on Roger Laureno and how it would be great to have him on our website.  After I thought it over…I realized that ARRA probably already had most of the files needed to collect most of where Roger had driven to success so I could fairly quickly put his career study together.”

   A check back to when Mark Yaple first got in touch, Voorhees found that it had only been since December 6th .  Less than two and a half weeks since it was first brought up to its completion! 

  So, just in time for Christmas….Roger Laureno joins the roster of researched drivers on the ARRA website.  Work continues on other subjects within our sport by various historians in the organization.

  We invite fans to check out Rogers career record on the ARRA website at the following address:

    Auto Racing Research Associates is a group of almost thirty auto racing historians across the country banded together for the purpose of the research, documentation and displaying of auto racing history such as driver win statistics, as well as track, racing series’ and organizations histories and also the background of racing personalities, particular cars from the past and various other interesting facts of racing history that should not be forgotten.  ARRA continues to build a network of associated auto racing related websites to unite for better chances of furthering the understanding of the past of our sport.  ARRA offers looking up services for those looking for one particular piece of information from the past.  They are the official statistics information source of the Flemington Speedway Historical Society and have been doing much of the research work for a number of years for the Northeast Dirt Modified Museum and Hall of Fame in Weedsport, NY.

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Msg ID: 2714800 Roger Laureno Joins ARRA Roster of Researched Drivers    
12/24/2021 6:02:41 PM

Reply to: 2714792

Any chance of doing Mike Mc Kinney also? Smile

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Msg ID: 2714808 Roger Laureno Joins ARRA Roster of Researched Drivers    
12/24/2021 9:29:00 PM

Reply to: 2714800

One second place finish. It was a hell of ride!

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Msg ID: 2714850 Roger Laureno Joins ARRA Roster of Researched Drivers    
12/25/2021 12:40:13 PM

Reply to: 2714808

Well deserved.  Congratulations Roger (and Mike).  Thanks to Mark for getting this project started.  Merry Christmas.   Allen


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Msg ID: 2714902 Roger Laureno Joins ARRA Roster of Researched Drivers    
12/26/2021 9:21:38 AM

Reply to: 2714792

Great job Fred and the AARA staff. 

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Msg ID: 2714948 Roger Laureno Joins ARRA Roster of Researched Drivers    
Author:Roger Laureno
12/26/2021 9:40:14 PM

Reply to: 2714902

Thank you all for your support. For a scrub from Staten Island who just wanted to be a part of the local dirt racing scene , I have been fortunate beyond my wildest dreams. It has been a great ride and without a doubt the best part was meeting  and befriending so many great people along the way.

A big thank you to Mark Yaple (mdy) for lobying  ARRA to include me in their wonderful documention of racing history. Mark has been a great friend for a lot of  years and he has spent many years in the trenches , mostly behind the scenes, doing his part to make racing at the local tracks what it was , something we all loved. 

Thank you Mark

Hope you all enjoy a great new year 

See you at the races


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