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Msg ID: 2715630 Volusia Question     
Author:Kevin Mc
1/3/2022 10:50:03 PM
Do they still have those showers in the parking lot outside of turn 4 ? Do they bring portable shower units in for the February races there? Going down for a couple days with some friends. My buddy planned on bringing his camper but it needs work so we're looking at our options. Hotel or tent. Thanks in advance.

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Msg ID: 2715653 TENT?!    
Author:John Mc
1/4/2022 12:14:12 PM

Reply to: 2715630
You're a better man than me, Kev!

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Msg ID: 2715658 TENT?!    
1/4/2022 1:04:02 PM

Reply to: 2715653

I was thinking the same thing John -

That Kevin Mc.... he's hard core all the way!

If it was me, I'd be roughing it at a Hampton or Fairfield Inn somewhere and still probably complaining that the water wasn't hot enough or the croissant's weren't fresh! Smile

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Msg ID: 2715694 You guys. LOL    
Author:Kevin Mc
1/4/2022 5:07:49 PM

Reply to: 2715658
The plan was for 3 of us to hustle down from his place in SC with his new travel trailer. But his truck needs upgrades ($$) to haul it 6 hours to Volusia. We're discussing getting a hotel but I told him theres nothing nearby and one of us would have to not drink to drive us back civilization. I mentioned camping and it got traction once I mentioned they probably have showers. Its two nights. We'll survive. 😁

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Msg ID: 2715696 You guys. LOL    
Author:John Mc
1/4/2022 5:17:35 PM

Reply to: 2715694
I'd be chipping in for a camper, lol.

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Msg ID: 2715701 TENT?! Or 2!    
Author:Rick Shive
1/4/2022 6:34:52 PM

Reply to: 2715658

This how we annually do Pennsylvania Sprint Speedweek! Not for the faint of heart, since it's usually in the nineties.

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Msg ID: 2715718 TENT?! Or 2!    
1/5/2022 12:23:49 AM

Reply to: 2715701

Volusia County, Florida.  Watch out for the Gators

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Msg ID: 2715825 TENT?! Or 2!    
Author:Roger Laureno
1/5/2022 7:04:45 PM

Reply to: 2715718

Yea those tents don't appear to be gator proof or snake proof.

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Msg ID: 2715717 Volusia Question     
Author:Howie Cronce
1/4/2022 11:34:57 PM

Reply to: 2715630

WoW  Kevin you are tough...Last time I stayed in a tent 2 nights was in the Jersey Nat Guards at Fort Dix once a year for 6 years...That sucks...Never been near a tent since..Get a room, your on vacation...HtH 

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Msg ID: 2715720 Volusia Question     
Author:Kevin Mc
1/5/2022 6:49:42 AM

Reply to: 2715717
Ya bring better stories home if you stay in a tent. 😁 I'm good either way but I'm not opposed to roughing it for 2 nights. I tented it down there 2 or 3 times 10-12 years back. It's a simple pleasure to go to sleep to the sound of race cars finishing off the show and to cooking breakfast at a race track. He does have a nice camper. Brand new. He discovered his truck is not up the the task after a short getaway with the family. If he gets truck upgrades he cant afford to go.

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Msg ID: 2715726 Cmon man...    
Author:.John Mc
1/5/2022 7:50:49 AM

Reply to: 2715720

Get your homies to chip in and do the upgrades, then you have a place to stay for free! I went to Volusia 1 year with Chesson, every night but the last one I was in a t-shirt. Another time when I was working for Mr Gasket I did the trade show during Speedweeks and I remember leaving the show and freezing my arse off, lol. Have a good time either way Kev!

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Msg ID: 2715735 Cmon man...    
Author:Kevin Mc
1/5/2022 9:06:07 AM

Reply to: 2715726
I was at New Smyrna one night about 10 years ago. The guys who I sat next to were from Canada. They retreated to their camper cuz they were too cold

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Msg ID: 2715773 Cmon man...    
1/5/2022 12:32:18 PM

Reply to: 2715735

I know a Canadien racer who won't race Turkey Derby, because "It's too COLD"  LOL

One thing with speedweeks, is you pack long johns and a bathing suit...ya never know!

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Msg ID: 2715782 kev    
1/5/2022 3:00:26 PM

Reply to: 2715773

you're damn right  , kev--went to barberville one night during speed weeks 

with just a wndbreaker on--what a friggin mistake that was-

thought i had frostbite the next day !!!


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Msg ID: 2716020 Volusia Question     
1/6/2022 6:56:59 PM

Reply to: 2715630

I'll share a couple of things about Daytona with ya. Ya can't beat the Crazyhorse  campground (Google it)25 minutes from Volusia, 15 minutes from New Symerna, clean, safe, inexpensive, and in case of foul weather at the track you can walk 5 minutes to the Farmers Flea Market where you can get next years Christmas shopping done. Or you can fish in the 3 acre pond stocked with big Bass. Or 15 minute walk from the Speedway.  AND HOME BASE FOR THE RU21. 

If Ya don't care to walk they have 5 dollar shuttle buses  Thats better than 50 bucks to park in some lot with a 10 minute walk and 4 hour wait.  Just north of the drive-in Church on A1A is a 4 chair coffee shop where a little Italian woman makes real chocolate eclairs. You have never had such a deliciuos pastry as her real homemade chocolate eclair.  There is more but I ain't gettin' paid for these endorsments, nor do I want to bore ya.

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Msg ID: 2716021 Volusia Question     
1/6/2022 7:05:54 PM

Reply to: 2716020

Gene is right, Crazy Horder is very convenient. Stayed there 10 years ago.  It's very big and spaciou, no one on top of you and it's pretty calm in there. The flea market kind of reminds me of Larry the Cable guy humor, varieties of interesting people there!

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Msg ID: 2716024 Volusia Question     
1/6/2022 8:29:11 PM

Reply to: 2716021
Okay, just one more Daytona vignette.

For a great spaghetti & meatball dinner which includes a really good tossed salad, ya gotta find Louie's Pizza on Beville Rd. I found it because of a local gal, she knew of it and I'm glad she took me there. I'd gladly take her back for a 2nd date,,,, but I can't recall which escort service she worked for.......

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Msg ID: 2716053 Its Unanimous!    
Author:Kevin Mc
1/7/2022 5:18:11 AM

Reply to: 2716024
By a vote of 3-0 we are going the tent route. Follow up when we get back of course. We may have a lifetime of great stories or we may never speak to each other again. 😆 Anyone else try to think of a joke to add when Gene mentioned having a great tossed salad while dining with an escort? I ain't doing it. Nope. 😉

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Msg ID: 2716065 Its Unanimous!    
1/7/2022 8:57:27 AM

Reply to: 2716053

You're nucking futs! Don't forget the flip flops!

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Msg ID: 2716066 Its Unanimous!    
Author:Kevin Mc
1/7/2022 9:01:18 AM

Reply to: 2716065
Funny you should say that Avis Man. I told the boys this morning in a group text to bring flip flops for the shower lol

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Msg ID: 2716092 Volusia Question     
1/7/2022 11:29:54 AM

Reply to: 2716024

"can't recall which escort service she worked for."

Florida Pros we got all the ho*s 

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