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Msg ID: 2719415 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 12:05:01 PM

Like or dislike? Care or don't care? 

I think the track and the look of everything is pretty cool. Will know what the "racing" will be after the heat races at 3 pm (Fox) than decide if I want to watch tonight. Not sure what to expect other than a lot of take outs. 

Msg ID: 2719429 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
Author:Tom From Tuckahoe
2/6/2022 12:42:15 PM

Reply to: 2719415

This race and the entertaining Kyle Larson have revived my interest in Nascar recently.

This will be something to look forward to on a cold winter evening.

I am rooting for the race to be a success.

Msg ID: 2719433 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 12:51:41 PM

Reply to: 2719415

I watched a little bit of the time trials last night. The track seemed similar to New Egypt when it was asphalt. There was one driver who was shifting, having raced at New Egypt I can't imagine adding shifting to racing on a track that short, because of the concentration required just to race without shifting. 

I will be watching off and on should be interesting.

Msg ID: 2719467 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
2/6/2022 3:44:40 PM

Reply to: 2719433

I'm pretty sure next is a figure 8 track. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING.

Msg ID: 2719474 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 3:57:09 PM

Reply to: 2719467
Well this is a three year deal. Looks like more rap music and DJs we never heard of and announcers trying make a boring race exciting. I think I will watch figure skating instead.

Msg ID: 2719524 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 5:50:25 PM

Reply to: 2719474

 Nascar is doing what they feel they have to do to revive the fan base. They need to attract young people. I hope it works out. We’ll see. 

Msg ID: 2719529 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 6:21:40 PM

Reply to: 2719474

Goof to see a really good crowd. Watching the heat races the crowd was mediocre and that was a little scary but it really filled in.

I know....nobody cares.  lol 

Msg ID: 2719557 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 8:04:16 PM

Reply to: 2719529

i give it an A. Entertaining. I had some doubts but I’d call it very successful. Far more passing then I thought would occur. Logano sure was coming off corners great. Shame Reddick had mechanical problem. I know this race doesn’t prove anything as far as the rest of the season but it would be great to RCR competitive again.


Msg ID: 2719558 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 8:22:35 PM

Reply to: 2719529

Was loading for the trip to Daytona and missed 3 1/2 heat races, The 1/2 time entetaiment, and the Bubba overload I can do without. The consis,  feature were time  spent in front of the TV. Glad Joey won, my ladyfriend's son is on his pit crew. Looks like Italian dinners in Daytona now, and I know just the place!

Msg ID: 2719559 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 8:57:56 PM

Reply to: 2719529

For what it is worth, I care. I am a race fan. It was a better race than I expected. I feared it would turn into that 2nd last chance qualifier. Caution after caution. It was a better "race" than I expected but not sure how much of a "race"it really was. 

Not a fan of moving the numbers. I cars looked strange. Guess I'll get used to it. 

NASCAR needs new fans and money and the people who have it aren't the traditional NASCAR fans. Kind of ironic that a sport that can't run in the rain needs help from the people who "make it rain." JMO

Msg ID: 2719562 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/6/2022 9:40:06 PM

Reply to: 2719559

Only saw the 2nd last chance race, and that was enough to turn me off for the season.  Announcers kept referring the action to your typical Saturday night short track action.  If I was a Saturday night racer I'd demand an apology.

Msg ID: 2719572 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 7:17:55 AM

Reply to: 2719562

Entertainment aside the racing was very good.More passing than anticipated, great crowd and hard racing.Turned off the volume and turned on MRN radio.Fox is terrible.

Msg ID: 2719575 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 8:30:21 AM

Reply to: 2719572

Not a "goof" but good to see a big crowd.  A lot of excitement weather the race was good or bad. They took a huge chance and it paid off. Hopefully it carries to Daytona. 

Msg ID: 2719592 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 12:45:18 PM

Reply to: 2719575

I very rarely watch NASCAR but I watched this race flag to flag, first time  I did that since the first live coverage of the Daytona 500. I  liked the format of the race and the race plus the message NASCAR was trying to send. I wish they would shorten the distance of all their races,

Msg ID: 2719593 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 12:48:33 PM

Reply to: 2719575

Caught most of the 3rd heat and all of the 4th heat. Plus turned the Clash on when a few laps were already in the books.  Thought it would of been a wreck fest but glad it wasn't.   The intermission is not needed, when Ice Cube came on stage. I Switch to the Luge competition on NBC. Then switch the race back on after it was over.

Towards the end of the race wished the lead cars hit traffic sooner.  Was hoping to see a Busch, Logano side by finished. Larson putting the guy into the inside wall was a big oops. Once the race was over switch back to the Olympics. Don't care to watch the winner destroy his tires. A polish victory lap would of been better. 

   Did not think the race was all that bad. How ever the Crank it Up crap sucks! The constant switching of cameras is annoying, during that stretch. I don't go to races to listen to music during yellow flags. Fox thought it was great ? The should sit at a local track in NJ and listen when the annoucer plays music from some past ear in music history. Or go to Wall and Bridgeport where the announcers are entertaing. 

The cars with the sponsors on the sides were okay. Similar to the Hudson Hornets off Karl Kiehatter's team.


Msg ID: 2719594 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
2/7/2022 12:50:02 PM

Reply to: 2719575

I watched all the races and thought they were better thanI had expected.  I will admit that I was very skeptical about the clash being on a bull ring.   Since I DVR'd the races,  I found myself "speeding through parts of the feature.  Overall, the drivers pretty much "behaved themselves".  If this were a points race, I think behaving would not be in the announcer's vocabulary.  One thing I still don't understand is if Nascar is having trouble supplying the chassis and parts to the teams, why didn't they run last year's cars?  Given the lack of passing, I give the clash a "C".   Scott Ely

Msg ID: 2719605 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 2:27:17 PM

Reply to: 2719594

Bill France Sr is rolling over in his grave

Msg ID: 2719609 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 3:40:31 PM

Reply to: 2719415

To answer Kevin's question specifically of "Like or dislike? Care or don't care?", my answer is dislike.

I am no longer in Nascar's crosshairs.  I rode their train for 4 decades, was a long time Daytona attended... Dover too... but now I am a DVR/Fast Forward fan only, and honestly, there's probably nothing that Nascar can do to get me back, and it's been that way for quite a few years.

They wanted an "event", with the racing second to it being an event, and I think they got exactly what they wanted.  Most of the passing that I saw was similar to what you would see at a no rules amusement park go kart track where you're trying to set the person up in front of you to make a pass, and the guy behind both of you slams into you, taking both you and the guy in front of you out, with the result him moving up, and the two guys who were in front getting the short end of the stick.  Hey, there's no rules against it, Nascar doesn't want there to be a rule against it...  And it became quite obvious that it wasn't for that, the announcers would of had very little to talk about.  That's not racing to me.  There's going to be contact, but at least send the car that caused it to the rear to discourage constant repeat performances.

I am also extremely suspect of that the late arriving crowd...  I would think that most racefans would have wanted to go to the heat races, the consi's and the feature...  And I think the real racefans did.  I think a large part of the others that filled in just prior to the main event, looked like a bunch of college kids, looking for a party interupted for brief moments of racing.

Did you see the crowd shots during "Halftime?"  Did you see how few fans there were with racing attire on?  I saw a lot of USC shirts, a Kings of Leon shirt, a few football and baseball jerseys... even a Titties Bear shirt.... but almost no Nascar apparel at all. 

Pure speculation on my part (not saying this happened), but if I was in charge of making it look ike a success, and a big part of that was to make sure the place wasn't 1/2 empty, I'd air drop free tickets to USC and any other area schools/places of businesses that would have the demographic that I wanted those halftime camera's to be able to zoom in on to show what Nascar wants the world to think their product is all about now.

I saw very few racefans, and I wonder what % of those in attendance, who paid full admission to be there yesterday, are busy ordering tickets for next year's event?

Speaking of halftime, I thought it was horrible, but it wasn't aimed at me, so I'm ok with that.  (Ironically, I own both "One Nation Under a Groove" by Funkadelic and "The Message" by Grand Master Flash from around 1980 that Icecube talked/rapped, shook his right hand to) but I found whatever it was that he was doing over top of the music track, totally uninteresting in that it was boring to listen to.. boring to watch... and I'm not real sure how well it really went over with anyone there.  It seemed like the FOX camera's were struggling to find just the right shot to show how hip, how young, and how engaged everyone was...  It felt insincere....  But I guess I could say the same thing for most halftime superbowl shows.

Seems to me that Nascar could find a way to attract new fans without thumbing their nose at the core that either hasn't died yet, or hasn't totally given up on them yet, although after yesterday, I think that core number is even smaller. 

Yesterday was a clear message that Nascar is saying, we're moving on, and in many ways, I don't blame them.  Many of us were looking for a way off the boat and Nascar has made it that much easier. They have pushed out the old and all that is left is for them to welcome in the new.

Yesterday was a solid reveal of what Nascar feels is their future.  They are betting on it.  They have to.

Msg ID: 2719662 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
2/8/2022 7:33:41 AM

Reply to: 2719609

Nail on the head, Joe. I just can't get used to slam bam racing even though it was better than I thought. I really hope they aren't planning on making this halftime thing a regular occurrence and I had the exact same thoughts as you regarding the crowd shots...and according to Kevin's thoughts below, does anyone actually think those 20-something kids paid 65 bux to get in?

Msg ID: 2719712 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
Author:Freddy D.
2/8/2022 1:59:34 PM

Reply to: 2719662

Joe - I could not agree with you more. Nascar is not what it used to be. Took the family to Daytona probably 10 times, never again.

Msg ID: 2719614 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 4:51:58 PM

Reply to: 2719415

Like I said when this was first proposed............It will be a black eye on all the short tracks around the country. NASCAR tried tto hype this as the next Bowman Gray Stadium. There is a big difference between watching your local TV repair man, or roofing contractor racing around a 1/4 mile track at 60mph, banging into one another. By contrast, supposedly the best racers in the world racing around a 1/4 mile track at 60 mph, banging into one another.  

As far as the fans....I wonder if alot of those people just came because there was nothing else to do and the tickets were cheap. I also wonder what the hell they did with all the homeless outside the stafium. It's a well known fact that the whole area around the coliseum is just as bad if not worse than San Franciso.

My overall assesment......Meh!

Msg ID: 2719624 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/7/2022 5:59:36 PM

Reply to: 2719614

When will Kyle Busch grow up??? Accept that 2nd place is not too bad!!

Msg ID: 2719636 The New Car +0/-0     
2/7/2022 8:53:44 PM

Reply to: 2719624

I was hoping to see a cutaway car illustrating the transaxle and independant rear suspension. How about the 20" Dodge Hellcat style wheels with no lug nuts or the low profile tires. No explanation of the new composite bodies, no in car tach, showing RPMs, etc. I guess the new fan base is not mechanical and just interested hearing about bumping, retaliation, and flaring tempers. 

Msg ID: 2719659 The New Car +0/-0     
Author:Kevin Mc
2/8/2022 5:58:34 AM

Reply to: 2719636
Tickets started at $65 I hear and that's before you pay an arm and a leg to park somewhere relatively close to the Coliseum. Sorry, I enjoyed the "event". I wonder how sturdy these cars are considering how the LF pretty much sheared off the Hailey car after relatively light contact. A friend of mine who used to work at Earnhardt/Ganassi says the cars are junk and people he know who are still In The Game say the same thing. We'll see. They could just say that because it cost alot of jobs

Msg ID: 2719688 The New Car +0/-0     
2/8/2022 12:14:32 PM

Reply to: 2719659

No need to apoligize for liking the event Kev.  Kevin E asked for folk's opinion and I think it's great to see the variety of opinions/thoughts from everyone.

As for the new car, I was also surprised at the about the amount of damage on Haley's car after contact with the inside wall, although if they were jersey barriers, I'm wondering if he hit right where two of them met, and if so, if the then exposed end of a barrier kind of dug into the left front wheel.

Speaking of concern about the new car, I'd also be concerned about what happened to Blaney's #12 when Erik Jones hit the back of him with contact that I think in the past would have resulted in maybe a tire rub, but with the new car, ended up causing more severe damage, with Blaney pulling off and getting out of the car.

Reddick also had concerns about breaking the driveline just by trying to warm up the tires while under yellow.

Oh well, 8 days and probably about 130 more mph to go before qualifying at Daytona begins.  Hopefully they'll figure it out by then.

Msg ID: 2719660 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
2/8/2022 5:59:39 AM

Reply to: 2719624

I wasn't going to respond but I skipped it entrirely and watched a Matlock rerun to get ready for work this week.

Msg ID: 2719665 The New Car +0/-0     
2/8/2022 8:53:51 AM

Reply to: 2719660

Are they using same car at the big tracks ?  that 31 of Haley`s LF seemed smashed up pretty good

for going 65 mph     will that happen at the Daytona`s etc ??

Msg ID: 2719666 The New Car +0/-0     
Author:Kevin Mc
2/8/2022 9:10:18 AM

Reply to: 2719665
They only get 7 of them per team. No one has 7 yet. I heard on Sirius the 4 team is looking at their LA car as a. Backup if things go wrong at Daytona.

Msg ID: 2719693 MDY re the New Car +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
2/8/2022 12:49:40 PM

Reply to: 2719666

MDY,  I thought the same thing regarding the disection and discussion of "the new car".   If the Fox boys had done little of that, I think it would gain the interest of today's "motorheads" since the mechancial side of the new car are somewhat compariable to the cars in the showrooms.  Maybe nascar should mandate that the new car compete with its wheels extremely cambered out like the "street rods" I see today.  The more I think sbout it the more I think nascar should revert back to its "pre playoff" days.  Maybe I'm being selfish and living in the past.  Scott Ely   

Msg ID: 2719703 MDY re the New Car +0/-0     
2/8/2022 1:08:11 PM

Reply to: 2719693

4.283 million viewers up 168 percent from last years clash.Somebody is doing something right 

Msg ID: 2719708 Apples and Oranges +0/-0     
2/8/2022 1:32:37 PM

Reply to: 2719703

Wow... at first that 168% increase seems real impressive until you realize that I think the 2021 Busch Clash was held on a Tuesday night compared to this year's event which just happened to be on the Sunday between NFL Championship week, and Super Bowl Sunday, and I know that there were a lot of folks tuning in the TV this past Sunday looking for a Super Bowl, forgetting that it's not until next Sunday due to hype week.

Just wondering, is Nascar putting out that 168% increase ratings figure without any additional info?

If so, then what they're doing right is getting folks to drink the Kool Aid without first asking who made it, and what's in it.

Msg ID: 2719717 Apples and Oranges +0/-0     
2/8/2022 3:28:31 PM

Reply to: 2719708

one year doesn’t really mean anything. What happens next year will tell the story. How many tuned in out of curiosity? How many will buy tickets next year? The Roval comes to mind. Attendance was up the first year but has gone down in subsequent years. I enjoyed the race but will probably not watch it next year.  My only negative thought was I didn’t like the half time break I’m referring to the break not the entertainment, although I’m not a rap fan. 

I too thought that the damage to the wrecked car was rather extensive for such what appeared to be a minor tap of the wall. 

Msg ID: 2719759 Wait a minute! +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
2/8/2022 9:48:51 PM

Reply to: 2719703
This was the 1st time in 6 years the race was shown on Fox, the previous 5 races were on FS1. Maybe not that big of a difference but definitely more accessible.

Msg ID: 2719718 Busch Light Clash +0/-0     
Author:Greg Collins
2/8/2022 3:40:23 PM

Reply to: 2719415

My thoughts? I'm looking forward to the Indycar opener on February 27 on the streets of St Petersburg FL! 
