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Msg ID: 2719905 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
2/10/2022 4:31:58 PM

He should have been 80 yrs old today, hard to believe he's been gone over 20 years...he's missed out on a lot...


Msg ID: 2719906 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
Author:Dan Rochelle
2/10/2022 4:36:45 PM

Reply to: 2719905

Great picture of one of Flemington's great competitiors.

Msg ID: 2719918 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
Author:AF IV
2/10/2022 7:24:27 PM

Reply to: 2719906

That is a long time John. Our fathers had a lot in common but didn't really talk much intil late in life. I think they saw each other in a place in Oldwick???

Msg ID: 2719932 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
2/10/2022 9:25:31 PM

Reply to: 2719918

Tough days, enjoy the memories. It's all we can do.

Msg ID: 2719938 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
2/10/2022 10:09:55 PM

Reply to: 2719918
Oldwick General Store. Great coffee!

Msg ID: 2719971 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
Author:Doug Cranstoun
2/11/2022 9:56:34 AM

Reply to: 2719938

Great guy...... Good memories.....

Msg ID: 2719974 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
2/11/2022 10:58:23 AM

Reply to: 2719905

john --ya, NEVER get over it, mine passed in'92 and i still miss him--just remember the good times , and the fact you'll see him again in heaven !!

blessings -----------bill 

Msg ID: 2719981 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
2/11/2022 1:14:32 PM

Reply to: 2719974

Great Flemington memories. Always tough to lose a parent but all you can do, as the back of the 301 reminded us, is "Keep Her Lit".

Msg ID: 2720524 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
Author:Howie Cronce
2/15/2022 6:04:54 PM

Reply to: 2719981

A Great Guy...Quite a caractor too.. One night after Flem we were all in the Circle Diner..Craig and his group was leaving and he comes to our table and kneels down to talk to me about Cams or Chassis..Short while he leaves and not long after our table erups in a giant smoke cloud...He stuck a smoke bomb on a cigerette and placed it under our table while we were talking...We got thrown out for doing it...Thanks Craig..Wish you were here to do more of that kinda stuff again...HtH 

Msg ID: 2720626 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
2/17/2022 9:06:08 AM

Reply to: 2720524

Msg ID: 2746579 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
10/10/2022 11:18:07 AM

Reply to: 2719905

Hey John,

It's hard to believe your dad has been gone 20 years. Way too soon. It brings back great memories hanging with him and your entire family. Heading to the Circle Diner after a night of racing, talking shop and busting each other's chops! The 70's was a great time to be racing, especially at Flemington. I'm glad to have had the opportunity to know him.....


Msg ID: 2746619 Happy birthday Dad... +0/-0     
Author:John Mc
10/11/2022 6:39:24 AM

Reply to: 2746579
Nice of you to say that...ever see Palko?
