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Msg ID: 2723843 Site Of Bader Field In Atlantic City Could Soon Feature Race Track +0/-0     
3/22/2022 1:58:49 PM

Thought this was interesting has the backing of the Mayor. 

"ATLANTIC CITY — The airplane made Bader Field famous, but it could be the automobile that resurrects it.

A $2.7 billion recreational, residential and retail project aimed at car lovers is being proposed for the historic but vacant former site of the first U.S. aviation facility to be called an “airport.”

DEEM Enterprises, a company based in both Los Angeles and Atlantic City, wants to build the project near the oceanfront and the city’s casino-laden skyline.

It would consist of a 2.44-mile auto course on which car lovers could drive their high-end automobiles; about 2,000 units of housing in various price ranges; a retail promenade, and other auto-themed attractions.


“There is literally nothing like this anywhere in the world,” said Michael Binder, one of the company’s principal members. “The latest trend in motor sports is the country club environment, where people bring their exotic cars, they stay there and become part of a motor sports community.”  More here -


Msg ID: 2723853 Site Of Bader Field In Atlantic City Could Soon Feature Race Track +0/-0     
3/22/2022 4:41:51 PM

Reply to: 2723843

Went to a Rally Cross event there a few years ago.

Msg ID: 2723860 Site Of Bader Field In Atlantic City Could Soon Feature Race Track +0/-0     
3/22/2022 5:18:16 PM

Reply to: 2723853
Ditto Kev, my wife and I attended the 8/28/2018 GRC Rallycross event there. Too bad that someone never rented the vacant baseball stadium adjacent to Bader Field for a dirt micro sprint race.

Msg ID: 2723857 Site Of Bader Field In Atlantic City Could Soon Feature Race Track +0/-0     
3/22/2022 5:00:09 PM

Reply to: 2723843

Residential, retail,  and race tracks do not mix. Never happen. Here's the pull quote.

“This isn’t about a racetrack; we’re not holding races here,” said Atlantic City attorney

Msg ID: 2723876 Site Of Bader Field In Atlantic City Could Soon Feature Race Track +0/-0     
3/22/2022 9:18:33 PM

Reply to: 2723843

Already have one of those playgrounds for the wealthy car enthusiast in Millville NJ. Two road courses a clubhouse, condominiums with garages at the Millville Motorsports Park. When the owners pitched this track to the county and city, they promised an asphalt short track and some NASCAR racing. They had the Rolex series for a while but lost that. There's a lot of drag racers in this area, they could easily build a drag strip on the big road course but they don't. It's turned into a playground for the rich and famous and gold mine for the owners and nothing for the little guy.

Msg ID: 2723900 Site Of Bader Field In Atlantic City Could Soon Feature Race Track +0/-0     
3/23/2022 9:38:49 AM

Reply to: 2723876

Howard, not to question you in a disrespectful way, but what does a private race track owe to the little guy?  They were pretty welcoming in the beginning to everyone, but at the same time the economy turned and most investors ran for the hills.  They planned a short track (3/4 mile, if that is considered a short track) to help the locals when Wall closed in 2008.  I saw the plans. They were all in, until the economy tanked and Wall reopened.

It's a beautiful facility and when they planned it in the early 2000's I said "No way" will it happen and it sure did happen. I'm not sure another facility in South Jersey could be built, especially in Atlantic City. Between the unions and the DEP, it will be tough planning. That field is basically surrounded by water and the DEP is tougher than ever on anything near water.

Msg ID: 2724052 Kevin +0/-0     
3/24/2022 5:04:37 PM

Reply to: 2723900

Kevin, I have to respectfully disagree with you. First I strongly believe in the free enterprise system and business, it's part of what makes this country the greatest country on earth. Cumberland County where the track is located normally has a higher unemployment rate than most of the counties in the state of NJ.  It's a blue collar county the auto entuhusiasts here are mostly NHRA,NASCAR or street  rodders not road racing guys. The County, State and Local officials are always looking to bring new business and give them big money in incentives. A lot of the local residents were against it, noise problems and other stuff. So the proposed  owners of the track had to convince local residents of the county to go along with it so the could get approval for the track this is where they started making promises which I believe they had no intent of fullfilling. They said they would build a short asphalt track, bring NASCAR races in and other stuff that they didn't do. Most of the people in the county had their traditional idea of what a race track was there's spectators  pay to get in the racers get paid a purse or get trophies for their efforts . Even the old Vineland Speedway road course used that model.  What did it turn into a play ground for the wealthy. I talked to a couple of my racing friends and they believe I rememberd it correctly. I give credit to the people who wanted to build the track in Wall or the people who want to build a track at Bader Field. They seem to be pretty honest. The owners also screwed the dirt modified guys and the vintage guys by being greedy.

Msg ID: 2723907 stockcar racer2x's +0/-0     
3/23/2022 10:43:31 AM

Reply to: 2723876

 HEY,MAN--- you are absolutley correct !! it's all about cubic dollars !!! 

and always will be !!!

Msg ID: 2724119 Howard +0/-0     
3/25/2022 8:22:40 AM

Reply to: 2723907

Not living in the area, I missed all the "we will help the community" BS you hear when these projects are pitched. I know that stuff tends to go away.   Thanks for the "local info", makes me think a bit differently now.
