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Msg ID: 2725071 Flo video feed    
4/4/2022 10:41:32 AM

Anybody else get a blurry( at times) video feed from OC on Saturday night...just curious 


Msg ID: 2725073 Flo video feed    
4/4/2022 11:06:55 AM

Reply to: 2725071

...or was it Dirt Vision...whichever,  it was blurry at times...

Msg ID: 2725101 Flo video feed    
4/4/2022 4:16:33 PM

Reply to: 2725073

That was the dust, it was pretty bad Saturday night or according to Tim Pitts, Stewart Friesen mosquito patrol !

Every once in awhile, I would say local wifi causes that, usually clears up except for Georgetown

Msg ID: 2725105 Flo video feed    
4/4/2022 6:03:17 PM

Reply to: 2725071

blurry feed at times and also freezing and buffering 


Msg ID: 2725147 Flo video feed    
4/5/2022 1:15:21 PM

Reply to: 2725105

Some of the blurriness and  stuttering comes from what connection  strength level every individual subscriber has.........not all of it though.  They are working out the bugs, it sure saves alot of time, money for travel and tickets and you can see alot more money for a alot more affordable fee if it didn't exist. I was gonna head to Orange County, but I went to NES and watched the STSS and B-port when I got home saw all three. Good deal if ya ask me

Msg ID: 2725160 Flo video feed    
Author:Steve Cameron
4/5/2022 4:45:56 PM

Reply to: 2725071

Prior to getting a FireStick (the best way to watch, thanks Kevin) I watched using Chrome on my laptop. The only time I had issues with the screen freezing/buffering was when I switched to fullscreen mode. The feed was fine when viewing with the smaller screen. I eventually figured out that if I clicked on the arrow on the upper righthand side of the screen, it would switch to a widescreen mode that ran without issue. 
