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Msg ID: 2730547 Dirty Jersey 2 +0/-0     
5/27/2022 9:25:36 AM


Msg ID: 2730580 Dirty Jersey 2 +0/-0     
5/27/2022 4:24:05 PM

Reply to: 2730547

Thanks for the pics Kevvan - Looks like you really made the rounds with pics in both sets from just about every place you can walk around to when at New Egypt.

Msg ID: 2730599 Dirty Jersey 2 +0/-0     
5/27/2022 7:55:55 PM

Reply to: 2730580

Yes, I wandered around like a roving reporter.  I know you know the territory from photo shares in the past; I was channeling my inner 3-wide.

I have a handful more.  I didn't want to go overboard with a billion photos.  At some point, I'll swing in and post the rest this weekend. 

I was tempted to walk up and say hello to Frank Cozze.  It dawned on me while taking one of the photos that I remember him racing back in the 70s and seeing him strap into the #44 at Nazareth all those years ago.  I've never met him but taking the shots gave me respect for drivers like himself, Horton, and others that have been in the game so long.

Msg ID: 2730672 Dirty Jersey 2 +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
5/28/2022 12:00:23 PM

Reply to: 2730599

Great photos!  Question, why are (I think they're called) the "A" posts curved on today's sportman-modifieds?  These photos also reminded me that the STSS "Dirty Jersey 8" was approriately named, because it was very, very dirty.  To be fair to New Egypt, I'm sure they're doing everything they can to give the drivers, and fans, the best racing surface possible.  Have been there twice with both times being very dusty. Hopefully, they will figure it out. Scott Ely
